KANDA Tetsuya
🔊about my name
“Kanda” is my family name and “Tetsuya” is my given name.
“Tetsuya” may be difficult for some people to pronounce. If so, feel free to call me “Kanda” or “Kanda-san”.
It is very common in Japan to call someone by their family name, so for me, it's easy to respond when you call me “Kanda-san”.
Associate Professor
Department of Information and Data Science, Faculty of Information and Data Science,
Notre Dame Seishin University, Japan

- kanda (+ @m.ndsu.ac.jp)
- kanda (+ @computer.org)
- (old: t-kanda@ist (+ .osaka-u.ac.jp))
- (old: t-kanda@is (+ .naist.jp))